Richmond Shakespeare Festival 2016 Production of The Comedy of Errors, by William Shakespeare

The Comedy of Errors (2016)

The Comedy of Errors by William Shakespeare Produced by Richmond Shakespeare Festival in 2016, Starr-Gennett Factory Building Richmond Shakespeare Festival 2016 Production of The Comedy of Errors, by William Shakespeare William Shakespeare’s The Comedy of Errors, delivers on the promise of its title with not one, but TWO sets of twins to cause confusion and…

Richmond Shakespeare Festival 2016 Production of King Lear, by William Shakespeare

The Tragedy of King Lear (2016)

The Tragedy of King Lear by William Shakespeare Produced by Richmond Shakespeare Festival in 2016, Starr-Gennett Factory Building Richmond Shakespeare Festival 2016 Production of King Lear, by William Shakespeare Shakespeare’s existentialist masterpiece, The Tragedy of King Lear explores family relationships and mental breakdown, while illustrating the full range of human behaviors from wretched cruelty to perfect love.…